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Don Troiani


Troiani Bio


Art in Miniature


featuring the work of renowned artist


Don Troiani


rendering as miniature figures!


When longtime friend, Richard Conte started this toy soldier company, it proved a perfect opportunity for both to work together as Conte Collectibles could recreate Mr. Troiani's works as exquisite miniature figurines.  The series will focus on the Civil War but will also include other periods from Mr. Troiani's wide range of expertise such as the French and Indian War, The American Revolution and The War of 1812.


Please visit Historical Art Prints for more information regarding Mr. Don Troiani or to order prints.



The Gettysburg Series


The pivotal events or the great battle are now available as archive quality, connoisseur hand-painted, metal figure sets inspired by the striking artwork of Don Troiani.  Each set is strictly limited to a signed and numbered edition size of only 2,500.


DT59001: Lions of the Round Top


This set features the famous action by the 20th Maine and their commander, Colonel Joshua chamberlain, on July 2, 1863, that saved the entire Union position at Gettysburg.  


Posted at the extreme left flank of the Union lines, on a hill now forever known as Little Round Top, the men of the 20th Maine were ordered to hold the position at all costs.  Out of ammunition, Colonel Chamberlain ordered his men to "fix bayonets and charge!"  It worked, and the assaulting Confederate forces were driven back.  


This set includes the six most prominent figures: Colonel Chamberlain, a flag bearer, two (2) Union privates, a Union Lieutenant, and a Confederate Officer; and a terrain base.



                                          DT59001                                   DT59002

                               "Lions of the Round Top"            "Lions of the Round Top Add-On"

                                    $150.00 (plus S/H)                        $99.00 (plus S/H)




DT59003: The Southern Cross


Coming next will be the long awaited and much talked about set based upon Mr. Troiani's Southern Cross.  Look for this set in the late summer.



"Southern Cross"

$165.00 (plus S/H)



DT59004: The Southern Cross "Add-On" Coming Soon!         


DT59005: High Water Mark

Immortalized as "Pickett's Charge" on July 3, 1863, the last day of The Battle of Gettysburg, this set includes General Lewis Armistead, his hat on his saber, leading the remnants of almost 15,000 that started the charge that day. to the high water mark of the Confederacy.  Only a handful of men and battle flags made it to the Union lines on Cemetery Ridge that fateful day.  


This set features the six most prominent figures with General Armistead; three (3) flag bearers, and two (2) enlisted men.




"High Water Mark"

$180.00 (plus S/H)



First at Manassas - Ready to Ship



DT59006 Part 1 $180.00

DT59007 Part 2  $170.00


SPECIAL OFFER: Buy both sets for $299.00 (with a saving of $51.00)




                                         Panoramic View                         Top View 




                                            Jeb Stuart










Close Up Pictures of First of Manassas Parts I & II


Future sets will include:

  • Cowpens

  • Cowpens "Add-On"

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Copyright © 2001 Conte Collectibles
Last modified: July 23, 2003