Legends of the Silver Screen, Ltd.

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The Patriot



The Patriot

The emotionally charged adventure The Patriot tells the story of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), a reluctant hero who is swept into the American Revolution when the war reaches his farm and the British endanger what he holds most dear.  He takes up arms alongside his idealistic patriot son, Gabriel, and leads a rebel, American Militia, into battle against a relentless and overwhelming Redcoat army.  In the process, he discovers that the only way to protect his family is to fight for a young nation's liberty, but his dark past haunts him.

Our critically acclaimed series of collector figures based upon the film already includes 3 character figure sets, 2 sets of Militia in action, 3 sets of Continental Line Infantry, and 4 sets of British Infantry, plus some "Hand to Hand" action.

Also available or coming soon - but not based upon The Patriot are 3 Revolutionary War "Collector's Club" figures and a host of other new sets.  Look also for our upcoming Don Troiani sets based upon his epic painting "Cowpens."

An extensive Revolutionary War line

based upon the new Mel Gibson "blockbuster" epic The Patriot



This range will include sets of Militia, Colonial Line, British Line, Tory Dragoons, Artillery and character figures.



                             PAT201.jpg (10856 bytes)                                PAT204.jpg (17886 bytes)

                                   PAT201                                                 PAT204

                     Benjamin Martin Firing Pistol          Benjamin Martin Charging with Flag

                                   $25.00                                                   $30.00



                                PAT215.jpg (15370 bytes)                               PAT215-MEL.jpg (14458 bytes)

                                       PAT215                          (Detail View of Benjamin Martin)

                               Martin vs. Tavington




TM & © 2000 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  ©2000 Global Entertainment Productions GmbH & Co. Movie KG

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Copyright © 2001 Conte Collectibles
Last modified: July 23, 2003